• Warning: Spoilers
    A very weak beginning. Minnisha Lamba can NOT dance and neither can she look sexy. Imran Khan needs to work on his expression and STOP speaking like Hrithik Roshan. He looked good. Vidya was plain bad. Her duologue delivery was horrible, she managed to look pretty. Sanjay Dutt was the best thing. He managed to hold some expression, though even he was stiff, expressionless and frankly, bored.

    The songs (ALL OF THEM) were not needed. In fact, I fastforwaded a song and thank goodness I did.

    The story had potential: A young man, named Kabir, has kidnapped Sonia, daughter of a trillionare, Vikrant Raina. Vikrant and his wife (whose name isn't mentioned anywhere...) had a horrible divorce some 8 years ago, when Sonia was 10. Mrs. I-don't-have-a-name seemed to hate Mr. Raina a lot. Yet, in the end, she and Mr Raina got together again. Cheers! Why can't Indians let movies remain be a bit more REALISTIC!?

    Fast forward to when Sonia is kidnapped. Kabir leads Raina thorough a couple of stunts, all of them ending with a clue. During all this, Raina even meets his daughter once, and wow, what a scene it was!

    Raina: *sees gagged, tied daughter who is struggling with the ropes* How are you? Sonia: mmmmhhhhmmmm Raina: Yes, your mother misses you. She is very tense. Sonia: mmmmmmhhhmmmmm Raina: *blushes* I look good? Thanks, you do too. Sonia: Mm.


    The movie was very interesting in places. The climax was interesting, won't spoil it for you, though I strongly recommend that you wait for the DVD.

    The story wanted to teach something, I am not sure it will.

    Overall, a much better try than Dhoom 2 but could have been a LOT better. The movie seemed to lose its way sometimes and then it would insert a stupid song. Could be so much better.
