• The continuation of the thrilling episode "Duane Barry" is more of a full-fledged mythology-arc affair complete with the reveal of Krycek as a bad guy and plenty of CSM screen time. The episode picks up where the last one left off, with Duane Barry taking Scully to where he plans to have the aliens abduct her instead of him. Meanwhile, Mulder and Krycek go after her, with Krycek attempting to sabotage Mulder's efforts, and following CSM's orders. The episode surprisingly ends with Scully's whereabouts still unknown. That mystery would not be solved until "One Breath", but Mulder appears to believe that the government did, in fact, 'abduct' Scully.

    "Ascension" is an excellent, thrilling follow-up to "Duane Barry". The episode doesn't concentrate on him as much, but he is still one of the most memorable guest characters as far as mythology episodes go. "Ascension" is the first episode to very clearly show the 'syndicate' at work. A great early mythology episode.
