• Unfortunately, I haven't had the chance to watch the first version of this film, the one that was made by Theo Van Gogh. Therefore, I'm not very sure that the summary I used is true for I don't know how much this "Blind Date" is different from Theo Van Gogh's "Blind Date." Anyway, I liked the way the film is made. It is very simple, yet deep and clever. The narrator is used in a very good way.

    For a moment I was about to hate the ending, but the last camera movement fixed things. It was a clever and touching evening.

    Performances are very, very good. And Tucci has done a good job as a director, making the film looks as simple as it should be.

    On the other hand, the film could use a faster pace in some places, and closer shots in many cases would have done the film much better. But it is still a very good film and a very original one too.