
  • Warning: Spoilers
    He should have kept running!! This film is a waste of Mitchum's talents and it is only his presence and that of the wonderful Claude Rains, that keep it from being a complete disaster. Faith Domergue's talents are not wasted here because she has no talents. Or is it the dialogue? Whatever the case this is an overwrought, slightly ridiculous tale about a well meaning physician who saves Domergue from suicide and then gets caught up in her trap. He dumps his nurse girlfriend, Maureen O'Sullivan, and goes over the edge for the shady, and totally insane, Domergue.

    Complications arise when Domergue's husband (oh yes, she is married), played by Rains, dies under mysterious circumstances, Mitchum suffers a concussion in the ensuing mayhem, and they drive like the wind for Mexico. It gets sillier as Domergue begins to have second thoughts and tries to smother Mitchum. Believing him dead, she makes her big getaway but it is not to be. Of course,he's not dead and she get's the best remembered quote from the film...."Nobody pities me". It should have read, "Nobody really cares".