• i must admit, i have never played any previous fallout games before. But after reading a feature on fallout 3 a good while before its release i was interested. And Then when trailers started coming out i built up my excitement. And i have my copy. And have just finished playing through it.

    Well. Basic story is you come out your mothers womb where your greeted into the world by Liam Neeson (Your Father) from the birth you choose your name and appearance. Then a couple of years later your a baby and choose your basic skills. Then your suddenly ten years old and you get a PIP-BOY 3000 a kind of real-time low tech PDA. Several years later Liam Neeson does the unspeakable and leaves the safety of the vault into the perils of the nuclear wasteland. And what kind of story would it be if you didn't go after him? Now, the introduction of the game in the vault is all very cool and introduces vault life well but the game really gets good once you leave and see the wasteland for the first time. Because you've been underground for so long your eyes take time to adjust and when they do you see the frighteningly real nucleur wasteland in all its glory, it really sends out some shivers. The environment is where the game really shines. They have the wasteland looking fantastic and there are just some beautiful levelled buildings or standing buildings and it looks fantastic. Down to combat. The game can be played in first or third person view. i found myself in first person mostly but sometimes i went into third person to see what my outfit was like. Shooting in first person takes a little getting used to and most people will very often use the games best gameplay mechanic the V.A.T. Basically it stops time so you can strategically pinpoint gunshots on the enemies......although for added fun you could aim for the head for a juicy headshot. The sound is really good also. Particularly in the music. After a while i found myself humming or whistling every upbeat 50's tune in the game. But alas its not perfect. Yes the wastland is very expansive and beautiful but if your trying to find a specific location then you could just randomly wander around and when you think your going the right way your blocked by RUBBLE. And sometimes these random areas you walk about in contain enemies that you may not be ready to fight yet. Also your character is like a virtual pet. He/She needs to be well kept which means if they're crippled or badly wounded they need healing to that specific area or if they have lack of sleep they may not perform well in combat. But these few problems don't take away from the full experience but you will have to put up with them so get used to it. Fallout3 has to to be one of my games of the year this year and definitely somewhere in my all time favourties