• Warning: Spoilers
    Aware that this movie has been adapted into a successful Broadway musical I watched it - when I got the chance to do so on DVD - looking for possible 'spots' for songs. I know absolutely nothing about the musical other than it is successful which I find hard to believe having seen a previous show by Adam Guettl which was notable for its complete lack of melody/tunefulness notwithstanding that he is the grandson of Richard Rodgers. Having now watched the movie it is possible to identify elements that lend themselves to musicalization not least the location, primarily Florence with a brief side trip to Rome. For love interest there are two young people a naive American girl, who is actually retarded, of 26 and an equally naive Italian boy of 23. For conflict there is the absent husband (Barry Sullivan), hastily summoned to Rome by wife (Olivia de Havilland) when it becomes crystal clear that the two youngsters are serious. Pop is adamant that daughter must never be allowed to marry and thinks mom is crazy to even entertain such an idea. Then there is the boy's father (Rossano Brazzi) and his attraction to DeHavilland and that's just for openers. With all this going for it I can see where it might easily make a Broadway musical but what about the film? Glad you asked. It's pleasant enough and the two youngsters, Yvette Mimeux and George Hamilton convince as do the adults. It's true that Barry Sullivan is wasted in his few scenes that anyone on the Lot could have played but having said that he does add a certain gravitas. No world-beater but a pleasant enough diversion.