• 'Monstrosity' is the only Andy Milligan's film I have seen and I have to admit it's not so terrible like some people are saying. The plot is extremely simple to follow : Gang of thugs rules the streets of Hollywood and when the innocent girl is raped and later killed by the gang leader, her boyfriend with a help of his two pals creates golem like creature who will be killing all sort of criminals, drug dealers and other 'trash'... The movie itself is very cheesy and amateurish, but certainly it has some good moments. First 15 minutes are very promising, there is a big amount of violence and some bad (in a good way)nasty looking gore effects. Unfortunately after these 15 minutes 'Monstrosity' changes in something more like a black comedy than truly horror movie and sometimes it's very boring. If you have a chance to get copy of this rare flick give it a chance, but don't expect solid B class horror flick. 4 out of 10 for this little trash.