• Warning: Spoilers
    Never having seen Dylan Moran perform live I had the misfortune of going to see a taping of Monster for BBC America. The taping was short confused and felt like the series of punchlines to longer jokes. Walking out of the taping with some friends we figured that there had to be some reason that Moran had a hit TV show and sold out concerts around the world, some reason we were missing. When the show finally aired on TV it was further cut down to fit in an hour time slot with commercials and comedy inserts.

    What aired was neither an accurate representation of Dylan Moran's scathing wit nor of his full piece Monster (nor even what the show was like as taped). This is more a cut and toned down version of the full show seemingly pieced together in order to be a best of Moran with his longer better routines cut down into bite sized pieces. If this is the only way you can see Moran perform live then by all means watch this, however if you really want to see him in his full glory try to get your hands on the full performance of Monster (which is available everywhere other than the US) or his other show called Like, Totally.