• Wow..How did warner brothers even consider making this crappy movie in the first place!. This is movie is nothing but a blatantly cheap rip-off the animated classic Kung Fu Panda!!.How low can anyone stoop as to copy an animated movie!.Po the Panda(who's adopted) works at his father's noodle shop and accidentally is mistaken for the dragon warrior.He's ultimately chosen to fight the tyrant 'tai lung' the snow leopard.Tai lung once wreaked havoc in the valley of peace.Master Oogway the turtle has a premonition that Tai Lung will return and once again disrupt the peace in the valley.Even though this is a clichéd concept done to death in a million Chinese martial-art movies you can't deny the similarities between the two movies.Nikhil Advani.. go get a script.get a life