
  • Warning: Spoilers
    ***SPOILER ALERT*** This group of cultists have been kidnapping young girls in and around London and, after giving them a blood transfusion, tattooing them. It turns out that little Heather, Sophie Stuckey, somehow escaped her captors but has since become unable to speak. Heather ended up spending all her time in a London Police safe-house staring aimlessly at the TV.

    It's when London lady cop Janet Losley, Shirley Henderson, was being treated to stop her from smoking that she, in her subconscious, revealed to her hypnotist Michael Strother, Gran Visnjic, about the comatose Heather which he, in explaining her smoking habits, innocently revealed to her.

    Knowing that Michael is on to something, in that there was no way he could have known about Heather, Janet literally blackmails him into helping her. Janet tries to get Michael to help her in not only getting into Heather's mind but in finding out who's behind her kidnapping and the murder of three girls who weren't as lucky as she was. As we soon find out Michael is in self imposed exile in London from the US after he "cured" one of his patients back in Seattle Washington.

    The man that Michael "cured" was so deathly afraid of water that he wasn't even willing to take a bath or shower in it! After being "cured" by Michael he then jumped into a lake that was, in the early spring thaw, too cold to take a dip in. This had the poor guy lose consciousness, from a severe case of hypothermia, and drown! With him now being forced to solve the so-called "Tattoo Murders" Michael now feels he can redeem himself not knowing that he's about to become the killer's latest victim.

    Extremely muddled story about this cult leader Francis Paladine,John Rogan, who's over 500 years old and uses the lifeblood of his victims, like Dracula,to keep himself alive forever. Michael puts his life on the line to get to the bottom of the "Tattoo Murders" only to end up on a slab with his blood being drained out by the mad Francis Paladine himself. It's only little Heather, after snapping out of her coma, that comes to Michael's rescue.

    ***SPOILER ALERT*** With all the bad guys put on ice in the city morgue for good we, and Michael, get the shock of our lives in the final moments of the movie which we all thought was going to be a happy ending. Were shocked to see this strange and bizarre finger pointing routine we saw earlier in the film by the real cult leader who, judging from the persons age and medical condition, didn't seem to have much long to go in this world. As it turned out the cult leaders "Lifeforce" was transfered on to someone else in order to keep the evil alive and active in its next incarnation. That someone else turns out to be someone that's very near and dear to both Michael & Janet hearts!