• Warning: Spoilers
    During the early 80s, I stumbled on this movie purely by accident. (I'm glad I did) I don't usually find many movies that "scare" me, but there are exceptions "In Possession", "The Grudge" (Japanese version), "Ghostwatch" and finally "Don't go to sleep".

    The story centres on a family who a year before has a car accident as the father has had one too many drinks and their eldest daughter gets killed due to a prank done on her by her younger siblings. The family move in with their grandmother so they can look after her. (Played by Ruth Gordon)

    She then later comes back as a ghost and haunts the younger sister who after a while becomes friends when Jennifer the older sister reveals herself to her, but this friendship becomes sinister when the sisters (mostly Jennifer who is out for revenge) decides to kill off other members of their family.

    The grandmother gets killed when the brother puts his pet Lizard under her sheets, scaring her to death. The second member is the brother (played by Oliver Robins from Poltergeist), he gets killed when he is trying to retrieve a Frisbee which gets stuck on the roof of the house, while he is climbing on the roof gets knocked off when an invisible force opens the window. The third member who gets killed is the father, (played by Dennis Weaver) while he is taking a bath and a radio falls into it.

    Later on, because the younger sister is labelled mentally unstable, she is sent to a lunatic asylum and Jennifer leaves her behind. Later on while her mother is sleeping, (played by Valerie Harper) Jennifer appears in front with a very evil grin on her face. When her mother screams, the movie ends.

    Although this was a very low budget TV movie, the storyline is the main theme which makes this film creepy and very scary. Don't underestimate it, although very similar to "The Grudge". "The Grudge" concentrated more on special effects in order to make it scary. Don't go to sleep concentrated more on the story. This is a brilliant ghost story and I recommend you see it.

    I must congratulate the entire cast and the director and I wish ABC would release it because it is very rare movie to find and if you do find a copy, you're extremely lucky.