• This was a remarkable programme showing how dedicated the "professionals" actually are. Those people who have made negative comments are spiteful and jealous of the happiness of those who benefited from the surgeries and therapies. One can only assume they are jealous of those who were brave enough to show their "all" on international television; not to mention the surgeons and practitioners who put their professional names in the spotlight not knowing whether it would be for good or bad, however, in my opinion, they were all fantastic. The girls were transformed into self-confident, beautiful women. Well done to all those involved in the Swan programmes - they were truly remarkable and encouraging to those who believe they have imperfections and disabilities.

    It was extremely sad that there were only two seasons as so many more women could have been involved in a life-changing transformation that they would not otherwise have been able to afford.

    I long for a programme of a review of all the girls to show how the changes have affected their lives.