• Warning: Spoilers
    Except for a somewhat lame ending, MATCH GAME is a prime example of what a low-budget horror TV anthology can accomplish in a mere 22 minutes or so. Ashley "Hellraiser" Laurence and Tori "90210" Spelling costar as part of a quarter of teenager who break into an old mansion and conjure up the former owner, who has been dead and rotting at the bottom of a swamp for many years. In its very short running time, the episode feels like an '80s horror movie, and accomplishes quite a lot. The kids play a variation on a sense or Quija board reading by sitting in a circle on the floor while holding lighted matches, each in turn telling part of a scary story before the flames touch their fingers. The reanimated corpse is a masterpiece of zombie makeup, and quite gruesome for a kiddie show. Mr. Zombie has a terrific scene where he smashes a room full of mirrors, as he does not like his reflection. The backlot mansion looks real enough, the lighting is suitably dim and creepy, and the chuckleheaded kids are right out of any 80s horror classic, like NIGHT OF THE DEMONS or SLEEPAWAY CAMP. The episode even takes time to develop a relationship between two of the kids at the outset. Unbelievable. A must-see.