
  • It is just one those movies that I didn't expect to like but ended up liking quite a bit. I had heard some pretty unfavourable reviews but it was on TV a couple of days ago and there was nothing else on so decided to watch it and I am glad I did. It is by no means a masterpiece but compared to the stuff churned out by Bollywood nowadays this is pretty good. I have a pretty much love hate relationship with Sanjay Ghadvi's work, I enjoyed Mere Yaar Ki Shaadi, Dhoom was OK and Dhoom 2 isn't even worthy of being called horse dung. I feel Sanjay Ghadvi has really improved as a director. Kidnap could have gone the standard kidnap drama route that is high on action and low on substance and tension. Kidnap has some really tense moments,I have not seen such a tense Bollywood movie for quite a while. I really applaud Imran Khan for trying a negative role in only his second movie and he pulls it off with panache. Minisha Lambha is really hot in this movie, in particular in a song where she tries to seduce Imran Khan. The only weak links is Vidya Malwade, who looks too young to be Minisha Lambha's mother. The music is too pretty weak, there is not a single tune I remember from the movie and it's only been a couple of days since I watched it. The finale, in which Imran Khan reveals to Sanjay Dutt his reasons for making him carry out the tasks was very effective. Kidnap is pretty good movie from 2008 and most certainly deserved more success than mindless flicks like Singh is King. A word to the people who haven't seen it but want to: don't let the negative reviews stop you from watching it, watch it and decide for yourself. Who knows like me you might end up being pleasantly surprised.