
  • So what's with Hewland Intl not grasping the capitalist concept of DVD releases? Boatloads of US fans of the show are dying to see the rest of the series (FSC only aired 3 of them, torture!) and DVD seems to be a total money-maker for Hewland if only they'd agree to do it! I've emailed them and they don't get it. "Why would fans want a DVD, just watch the show." Um, because it's not being broadcast anymore you morons! Good grief, I've never encountered a TV producer who didn't want to make money.

    Anyone else encounter this with Dream Team/Hewland?

    I've found a guy online who sells what appears to be bootlegs and he says he has region 1 coded DVDs with menus and all. But I'm squeamish about spending $50 US for something that in this day and age could land me in jail. (do I have my 10 minimum lines yet?)