• Now come on guys, stop being so hard on this new series.. Its fresh, original and very entertaining.. When I first saw the preview, I dismissed it as being just another satirical look at Bollywood from the Hollywood point of view kinda thing.. But its not. Its better and truly speaking a fresh of breath air..

    Chris Kattan does a wonderful job portraying a struggling actor in the United States being stereotyped by his past roles like on SNL and such.. An Indian director, also debuting his first film for the first time, gives Chris Kattan a chance in his movie by being the lead actor in the hopes of globalizing the movie for a larger audience which is not just confined to being in India.

    All the supporting actor like Pooja Kumar and Neha Dhupia also do a good job by complementing Chris Kattan's humor and making it seem real..

    So for all those people who're undermining this series to be a "Slumdog" wannabe or something. Stop being ignorant and just watch the show. Its fun and very entertaining..