• Warning: Spoilers
    Made Of Honor is an unfunny, unromantic comedy with Michelle Monaghan and Patrick Dempsey as best friends Hannah and Tom. Right when Tom is about to tell Hannah his true feelings about her, Hannah is getting married to Colin (Kevin McKidd). This all mixes into your regular, formulaic romantic comedy. It misses the mark completely every time. Every time they have a chance for a joke or good romance, they end up screwing it up. Dempsey and Monaghan are both terrible, they're both actors who can be really good actors, but here they seem like they'r either trying too hard or not trying at all. Something about the movie, not just the formulaic jokes or stupid, predictable jokes and plot rubs me the wrong way. It's probably the fact that it's actually extremely mean hearted. The movie ultimately completely dissaspoints. Not only Monagan and Dempsey are terrible, but so is McKidd. A truly bad movie for which I will not wed, a film of such utter disgrace that you think how much did someone actually spend on making this. This is a maddeningly unfunny film, and never, I repeat never see a second of this awful mess.