• Warning: Spoilers
    I am so glad that I did not pay for this movie. I just happened to be up feeding my baby one night and saw this on the Chiller channel. I thought it sounded interesting so I dvr'd it to watch the next day. I would rather watch paint dry. First the stupid song. I felt like I was listening to nursery school rhymes! What in the hell was that?? Then the whole serial killer plot. That had nothing to do with the movie. He died before the juvenile delinquents. No point to him in the movie at all. I guess they were trying to tie it up with the end scene and Ranger Bob, but why would Ranger Bob want the other park ranger to die. I am little confused by the ending, but I guess I will just remain confused. Hopefully they will spare us and never make a sequel to this mess. I gave it two stars because Ranger Bob was funny, that is about it. Do yourselves a favor. If you see this mess on TV, keep channel surfing and don't bother giving it a second of your life. It is a second you can never get back.