• Having seen the mediocre rating this film has garnered on here I began to watch it expecting nothing more than an average film and a forgettable way to spend a couple of hours on a Friday night, how wrong was I! What I ended up with was an absolute gem of a film, from the quietly emotional performance of Martin Landau to the very restrained yet brilliant portrayal offered by Jim Carrey, every actor was cast to perfection and as the film moves gently along it takes you on an ultimately uplifting journey. I would recommend this film to anyone who is bored of the constant stream of action blockbusters or who has never seen Jim Carrey do anything other than gurn his way through a film, if only more of his performances were laced with the kind of down to earth humanity he shows in this picture our perception of him as an actor would be quite different, my only complaint is that it took me 8 years to find this film but all good things come to those who wait I suppose:-) Do yourselves a favour, find a copy of this film, open a bottle of wine and sit back with someone you care about and just let it wash over you like a soft breeze on a summers day.