• truly dire adaption of Agatha Christie. not only was the plot changed dramatically (different motive for killing etc) but also the dialogue creaked and was totally anachronistic. None of the characters spoke or treated each other like people from the 1940's - as though the writers were either completely ignorant, too lazy to read the original or watch contemporary drama, or desperately trying to make it more 'accessible' to a 21st century audience. But Agatha Christie is not The Tudors. Her characters and the language they spoke are still recognisable to people living today. The pace also sagged like a pair of ancient granny's tights. The only realistic thing in the entire episode was Gemma Redgrave's performance as the doctor's new widow going mad with grief - but perhaps she was desperately trying to escape the reality of the direness of the drama she found herself in. ITV seems to have completely lost confidence in Agatha Christie's power over her readers, which is strange considering the David Suchet Poirot series is meticulous and gripping and still making money for ITV today.