• Warning: Spoilers
    OK I was born in 1969 and I saw this movie in the theater in 81. So I was what 11 maybe 12 depending on the release date. Being a huge fan of slasher movies at an early age I had already been to see Friday The 13th, Halloween and many others. The movie poster seem to suggest this had something to do with Halloween or that it was at least in that vein. Well this movie had nothing to offer, no suspense, no good slashing nothing. As stated by another person there was no back story of the killer, not that it needed much but something come on. I mean when two pre-teen kids walk out of this movie saying it sucked you know you failed on every level there is to fail on. I guess it has always been a part of the industry. Make a quick buck on the backs of people that have creativity. Hands down this is one of the worst slasher films to date. Even a bad movie can be saved by some good creative kills scenes and good effects. This movie had none of that.