• Warning: Spoilers
    This is a wonderfully acted movie and should be seen on that basis alone. It is powerful with a moving premise that will have most people in tears at the end (including men). In fact, this is the second movie today that had me in tears and I'm going to have to go play some football or leave a toilet seat up somewhere to reaffirm my virility. ;o) Having said all of that, there are 7 problems you should know before seeing it:

    1. The beginning and somewhat in the middle lag. The beginning of the movie is confusing and it takes you a while to "pick up" on the plot.

    2. Once you do get the plot, it takes a while to get through it. There are some twists but they come later. Meanwhile, once you "get it", the pay off is long time coming.

    3. There are factual errors. Donors can't pick and choose to whom they will donate organs. That's illegal (thankfully...imagine the consequences, and even now the rich seem to be able to control getting organs first though the system denies this). The world wasn't created in 7 days, but 6 and on the 7th day GOD rested.

    4. Because of #3, it's best to think of the movie as more of a morality play or "It would be nice if"

    5. There are some overstretching moments. Toward the end you're not sure if the woman drowns and imagines the next scene as she imagined the scene with Will Smith in her near death experience on the operating table or what.

    6. There is some confusion. Some folks thought the Harrelson character (great acting job, by the way, he deserved an Oscar just for the few moments he was on screen) received whole eye transplants at the end. This is not medically possible at this time (another factual error). I disagree that this is hat happened anyway and think he only received money to stop working in a meat factory when he was a Vegan and an introduction to the woman, a fellow Vegan, to love.

    7. Last but not least...in fact, most important...It is NEVER, NEVER,, NEVER a good idea to suggest that suicide is a good idea. There are too many delicate folks out there who may think "Well, hell, I'm better off dead so at least I can donate my organs and do someone else good." Very bad to put this suggestion in someone's head and suggest (erroneiously) that they can choose who will get what organs.

    It's good movie, a wonderfully acted movie, but should be seen as a fantasy and must only be watched by those who are not so precarious as to be unduly influenced by it to the point of harming themselves.

    Seven Pounds. Seven Problems. Choose wisely and choose life.