
  • I've watched this series every week since it began thinking that perhaps the next show would be better than the previous one. But, each week I'm disappointed.

    The main problem with "Cougar Town" is that it isn't funny or well-written. The characters are painfully superficial without authenticity. Unlike "Sex and the City" which was skillfully crafted with wit and genius, "Cougar Town" lacks both charm and intelligence. The Courteney Cox character, Jules Cobb, has no real interests beyond an obsession with her looks and whether she's attractive enough to hook a good looking man. The story lines all revolve around Jules pathetically stalking some unrealistically handsome guy, frantic he won't think she's attractive enough to want to sleep with her, then, magically, in the end, he validates her weirdly needy ego, by paying attention to her. Jules' main focus is luring males who are as vacuous as she is. The idea that a man or a woman might have other attributes beyond simply a hot body or unlined face is apparently lost on this pathetic cast. Unlike Carrie Bradshaw in "Sex and the City,"who was looking for love and intimacy not just sex, and who had a serious and creative career as a writer, Jules Cobb shows no commitment to her job or to finding a meaningful attachment to a man. It's all about sex. Jules, as of episode three, had not attempted one smart or romantic conversation with the boy-candy, young man she sleeps with beyond comparing notes about how well either of them performed gymnastically in bed. The other characters are equally shallow and cliché--just caricatures of cartoon people--the frumpy housewife buddy, the slutty, side-kick girl friend, the vapid, dumb-jock ex-husband, the 40ish, GQ handsome, neighbor dude who dates only Gen Y girls. The audience has no empathy or connection with any of these people. Perhaps the most ludicrous idea of all is that the viewer is expected to believe that Courteney Cox, as Jules Cobb, eats midnight pastry or has problems interesting any man whether 20 or 60. With her perfect features helped by thousands of dollars in surgical intervention and her size 2 body, most middle aged women can't relate to Cox as Cobb, the hungry cougar. In this mess of a sit-com, all the women come off as predatory, sexual addicts who are cognitively challenged. Hopefully, the network will have the good sense to blow "Cougar Town" off the map.