• Warning: Spoilers
    Its three days to the end of the world and the planet is about to be blasted into eternal oblivion. Earth has never had to deal with such a cataclysmic event before and therefore we are lucky enough to have a brave Nasa scientist at the helm, a man who seems to make arbitrary decisions about the lives of 7 billion people without even once consulting the elected heads of State's.

    No 'end of the world' movie would be complete without its baddies and this movie has two for the price of one. If the supernova explosion that is threatening to blow up our solar system (Poor planet Pluto gets it in the neck quite early on)isn't bad enough the protagonist also has to deal with terrorists wearing "Palestinian scarves" who appear out of nowhere and try to shoot dead the soon to be Saviour of Humanity and his family. as far as baddies go theyr'e not very powerful as a few minutes later they are both dead. With blood spurting out of their bullet ridden bodies the Palestinian Scarf wearers are quickly despatched by the hero's team who manage to arrive in the nick of time.Why they were included in this movie? What purpose did they serve?

    By labouring to associate the Palestinian scarf (and those who wear it)with mindless criminality or terrorism- the film makers succeeds in putting the viewer off with pointless zionist propaganda.It seems that the director wanted people to think 'Hey! These people are horrible because even though its the end of the world and our brave Messiah is single handedly trying to save the world (not to mention their sorry ass's) and these guys are so evil they don't give up."

    Unfortunately the racist clichés don't stop there. The two sidekicks of the hero (who spend a lot of time unnecessarily pushing flashing buttons in a control room) happen to be an uptight initially hostile Chinese woman ("Peoples Republic of China," she tartly corrects the hero) and a drunken Russian who declares he is from "The Peoples Republic of Vodka." Hmm. Saving the world is going to be hard work.

    The only real hero in all this is the brave viewer who manages to sit through 90 minutes of drivel and aviods a massive brain haemorrhage.