• I just watched this only for the first time, and I liked it. Much better than I thought it would be, and I have avoided this film for my whole life. I even had it recorded off AMC since around 1989 and I've never bothered with it. What a mistake. This was my first exposure to Kay Kyser, the famous '40s band leader/comedian, and he was okay. He agrees to bring his orchestra (including the annoying Ish Kabbible -- but the less said about him, the better) to a young girl's 21st birthday bash at a spooky mansion. Unfortunately, three criminal masterminds (Boris Karloff, Peter Lorre, and Bela Lugosi) are on hand to try and kill her. Karloff, Lorre, and Lugosi were all quite good in their parts, I thought. They worked together well as the three bad guys and I was surprised that there were actual horror trappings in this film: a lot of thunder, lightning, and mystery. It's more of a comedy/mystery with a few musical numbers strewn about. The main trouble is that it's a little too long at nearly 100 minutes, but it had the right mixture for a good time. **1/2 out of ****