• I've seen people do better than this using Lego characters on Youtube. You get the impression at the beginning that it maybe OK and then the first car scene hits you, remember this bit, driving off road and bumping up and down. That is the extent of the stunts for that scene. In the next car scene there is more driving off road and bumping up and down and so it goes on. Some classic bits to watch out for, the golf buggy scene I was expecting Steve Martin to walk past, the lightning scene was SSSSSOOOOOOOO scary, I was shaking with laughter. The Presidents speech was more like something off Sesame Street and the same shot four times just reversed when the spaceship blew up was amazing. All in all for this day and age I have to say this is one of the worst films that I have ever seen. I only carried on watching it to see if it was that bad the whole way through, and it was.