
  • I have not seen this film yet. So don't really know what it is about except what is on the site. However, Portland Oregon was a veritable "Den of Iniquity" back in the old days. "Shanghai-ing" I believe got its NAME from Portland, as unsuspecting men were lead to trap-doors and then "way-layed" only to wake up on a ship to ....guess where??? There was a lady mobster who ran the booze industry for years and even when "caught up with in the end".... SHE WALKED!!!! There was a whole literal UNDERGROUND CITY under Portland, and it has been shown on Cities of the Underworld. There were brothels, and white slavery, prostitution, and other vices,....opium dens. Portland has a small "China Town". There was underground fighting, yes.... a Fight Club! IT's ALL TRUE!!!

    Maybe not the movie exactly, but in real life....close enough!!!

    I ought to know. I live 55 miles south in Salem, Oregon. So this movie is probably close to the truth as to the type of people and things going on up in that wild town to the north! Edit: Just wanted to add that I look forward to seeing this movie soon.