• I have been vocal many times before about how much I love Christmas. Not only for the food and gifts but also spending time with the family, which I shamefully admit is something I need to do more. Also it is the time when I can dish out my favourite Christmas specials and movies. I love many specials, but for me Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer is far and away my favourite. It is the perfect example of a timeless Christmas classic, that I watched many times during my childhood(and still watch) and never get sick of.

    For one thing the animation/claymation for back then is very very well done, without being too fancy. The character movements are convincing and sharp enough and the backgrounds are colourful and Christmassy. The images of the Island of Misfit Toys for example are guaranteed to stay with you forever. The film teaches great messages without preachy, and the story is sweet, simple and engaging. Another definite positive was the songs by the late Johnny Marks. All of them are memorable and beautiful. While Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer deserves its status as one of the most famous Christmas songs and There's Always Tomorrow is very cute and touching, other songs that stood out were Silver and Gold and We're a Couple of Misfits.

    The characters are just as sweet and engaging as the story. Rudolph is a simply adorable character, and I have always found him ever so cute and feel real sympathy towards him. Yukon Cornelious brings some well timed comic relief, and Santa is a wonderful and jovial character. And Clarice is so lovely. The voice acting is exceptional; Billie Mae Richards voices Rudolph with real conviction, and Stan Francis is great as Santa. I must say that Larry D. Mann is hilarious as Yukon Cornelius, and Janet Ornstein is really sweet and likable. However, the real kudos has to go to Burl Ives as Sam the Snowman who serves as the role of the narrator. Burl Ives was a brilliant actor who will be sorely missed; he is the main reason why I love Cat on a Hot Tin Roof so much. Here, he was perfect, he portrayed Sam as a benevolent and humorous character and boy did he do brilliantly. And his singing? I didn't know he could sing until now, and I want to say he proved himself a talented singer as well as a brilliant actor.

    All in all, for so many reasons this Christmas special is timeless. Quite frankly one of the best things I have seen to do with Christmas. I highly recommend this, in fact I love it so much after I write this review I am going to watch it again. 10/10 Bethany Cox