• What a great movie! It reminds me of those 50s B movies where the inside of the spaceship was a desk with a steering wheel attached and a curtain behind it! Fantastic! I thought they didn't make them like that anymore. Terrible dialogue, cheap special effects and laughable plot. Pure entertainment! Kids everywhere will be delighted that with a bit of free software off the internet and Mom's iMac they too could make a laugh-a-minute sci-fi yarn. Hawt chicks run from one tricky situation to another while the hero is saving the world from what looks like an office in an old electricity substation. Get a bucket of chicken wings, a six pack of beer and a few friends who dug Plan 9 From Outer Space. Edward D Wood is smiling down on us. Oh yeah, one criticism... should have been made in black and white, but I guess you can turn that down on your set.