• Warning: Spoilers
    This time, Buffy must contend with a demon named Moloch the Corrupter which has been released from a book that had him captured thanks to Willow who scanned the words binding him into a computer. Moloch pretends to be Malcolm, communicating with Willow and others in her computer class, manipulatively possessing them(..well, Willow herself is able to sense that something's not right about Malcolm, although she has fallen for him as they chat endlessly over hours). Fritz, a dedicated computer supporter, falls under Moloch's spell, willing to kill for him if necessary, gladly with honor to his master. Dave, another computer geek, but a kind and more innocent tech-head, also becomes loyal to Malcolm, only to see the error of his ways(..although, he does contribute in Moloch's finding a cybernetic body, similar to his demonic humanoid form centuries prior), paying the price for saving Buffy's life when she nearly is electrocuted in a shower. Giles, who doesn't adhere to the philosophy that computers and the Information SuperHighway are exceptional tools for the betterment of mankind in contributing literature to those who need it, must confide in Computer teacher, Ms Calender, if they are to remove Moloch from his new home. Meanwhile, Moloch is causing chaos and anarchy thanks to his power, demonic mischief running rampant as he wreaks havoc, using the Internet as a tool at his disposal. Buffy and Xander will have to face Moloch who has Willow prisoner at a recently closed Computer research facility, and it won't be easy since his new robotic body is equipped with strong steel. This episode honestly questions the harm(..and help)of computers and the Internet. Through the intense, heated(..but intellectually stimulating, and witty)exchanges between librarian and literary scholar Giles and computer specialist Calender(..we can see that potential fireworks might be present between these two), the clash between the use of books and the computer. Will books become obsolete because of the advent of the computer/Internet? There's some good food-for-thought in such a silly premise as a demon running roughshod throughout the Internet SuperHighway, falling in love with Willow, and her becoming enamored with him, realizing sadly the kind of monster he really is.

    Jamison Ryan(..as Fritz), Chad Lindberg(..as Dave) and Robin LaMorte(Jenny Calender, the teacher butting heads with Giles, revealing herself to be a "technopagan" who has knowledge of the occult to his surprise)all co-star in this episode. Gellar is awfully cute in her little outfits and skirts in this episode. Funny epiphany at the end as our trio discuss the idea that none of them may ever have a reasonable relationship.