• A few weeks ago, I was out from work sick for a few days, and rented Rogue Warrior for my Xbox 360. If I ever see Dick Marcinko face to face again, I'll ask him for my ten bucks back. The bottom line here is that this is just another first person shooter- the plot is weak, it's completely lone wolf, the scenery is all the same from what I saw, it borrows too heavily from too many other games of the genre, the language is excessive (and this is a former soldier saying this, mind you), and it does absolutely nothing to grab your attention. I rented it on principle, as I'm a huge FPS player, but I lost interest about halfway through the second mission. There is just nothing to set it apart from any of the ten zillion other FPS games out there. The weapons and equipment are typical, granted, the kill moves are kind of cool, but you have to get the drop on an enemy to perform them. Bottom line- if someone buys you this game, go trade it in.