• Why I couldn't recall practically anything from this film, is really beyond me. I saw it once during the late 90's, and the only thing I still remembered was that I thought it was pretty good. With this second time viewing, I can only conclude the same thing: It's beyond me, as this really is a fine film and pretty memorable while at it too. A blackout causes fear and distress in a small city. In the suburbs, the inhabitants of one street try to make the best of it. When a burglar breaks into Matthew & Annie's house, someone dies. And things go from bad to worse. And from a small town thriller with various characters, into a sudden road-movie with three protagonists taking the lead and an unpleasant (but worthwhile) Michael Rooker popping up by surprise. A cool little thriller that keeps you on your toes, towards an ending that's not all that horrible as you might expect it to be. Especially Kyle MacLachlan & Elisabeth Shue (as Matthew & Annie) give fine performances, though sadly Shue's character (splendidly portrayed in the first half) becomes a bit under-used in the second part of the movie. Still, check out this film if you have the chance. Reading some of the harsher comments on here, I wonder what people were expecting from this film... A profound piece of emotional drama? A Tarantino-like blabber-fest with many über-cool characters? Whatever. I didn't know what to expect - even this second time - and "The Trigger Effect" had me once again entertained. The characters were okay, the leads were fine, well-photographed and it turned out to be a sort of 'two-in-one' kind of deal. At least you get to choose which half of the film you liked better.