• Lucille Ball was a citizen, comedian, and a communist. Did she led 3 lives too?

    "In 1953, Ball was subpoenaed by the House Committee on Un-American Activities because she had registered to vote in the Communist party primary election in 1936" (from Wikipedia)

    "I Led 3 Lives" was part of the early 1950s, right wing extremism that gave us Joe McCarthy, John Birchers and HUAC (House Un-American Activies Committee).

    Someone once described the Eisenhower years (1950s) as 'Washington Sept Here'

    Thank you JFK for getting us back on track and thank you Lucy for your tremendous contributions to our culture.

    Ricky/Desi (commenting on these charges) was right:

    "The only thing red about Lucy is her hair, and even that's not legitimate."

    Neither is "I Led 3 Lives" Skip this show, except as historical reference for the politics of that time.