• Rob Zombie has been on the receiving end of far too much criticism in his career as a filmmaker. Nearly every one of his films have had mostly negative reviews despite the fact that he clearly has a stronger understanding of horror than most of the PG-13 hack-jobs that fill out the genre these days. THWOES is perfect for his hyperactive imagination to take full advantage of world of cartoons.

    Superbeasto himself is a actor-slash-director dressed as a Mexican wrestler. His sister Susie X is some kind of secret agent hunting zombie Nazis. They're supposed to work together but Superbeasto's womanizing and laziness often prevents him from taking part. His old high school punching bag Steve Wachowski adopts the guise of Dr. Satan and plans to take over the world once he weds a girl with a 666 tattoo on her ass. That girl just happens to be a stripper Superbeasto has the hots for and he's not going to let Dr. Satan have his way.

    THWOES plays a lot like a feature-length skit from MTV's Liquid Television back in the early 90s. It's often surreal and rapid-fire. If you like the maniacal humor of Harvey Birdman: Attorney at Law and can keep up with the madness then you'll get a kick out of El Superbeasto. There's lots of blood and gore and nudity too if that's your kinda of thing.

    Keep a lookout for Captain Spaulding and Otis Driftwood too, and stick around for the end of the closing credits.