• Uskottu mies, a TV mini-series produced and aired in 1985, is a story about the Finnish society and politics in the rolling 80's.

    While the series is not about high quality when it comes to the plot, acting or production in general, it is an entertaining and valuable satire on the Finnish politics at a time when the country was experiencing some of its fastest progress in history.

    It tackles the political system of the time and its key players with a twist of greyish humour, and mocks the naivety of the people looking up to their leaders while closing their eyes to the reality.

    Uskottu mies is a good depiction of the Finnish society and mentality. While the events in the story may be outdated, the lessons it tries to teach and the criticism that it issues are still very relevant today. Most importantly, it offers a great flashback to the past and makes beautiful presentations of the Finnish landscape, customs and culture.