• While vacationing in beautiful Italy, Olivia de Havilland (as Meg Johnson) watches lovely daughter Yvette Mimieux (as Clara) and handsome Italian George Hamilton (as Fabrizio Naccarelli) fall hopelessly in love. Although the two seem perfect for each other, Ms. Mimieux suffers from a secret disability. Aching for her daughter to lead a normal life, Ms. de Havilland is unable to tell Mr. Hamilton or father Rossano Brazzi about Mimieux' condition. Father of the potential bride Barry Sullivan (as Noel Johnson) is against the wedding...

    You've got to stop wondering why nobody but her parents seem to notice or care about Mimieux' delicate condition, especially Hamilton; and, moreover, since it's not a problem, how it could matter. Director Guy Green and cinematographer Otto Heller give "Light in the Piazza" some beautiful scenery. Hamilton and Mimieux are an incredibly good-looking couple. And, de Havilland is marvelous to watch, filling her conflicted wife and mother character with enough to have warranted some "Best Actress" consideration.

    ******* Light in the Piazza (2/7/62) Guy Green ~ Olivia de Havilland, Yvette Mimieux, George Hamilton, Rossano Brazzi