• One of the most positive aspects of "La Sconosciuta"/The Unknown Woman concerns emotional crisis affecting the morale of affluent European families.This has been depicted without resorting to even an ounce of sensationalism.Italian director Giuseppe Tornatore shows how personal lives of young professional couples are getting affected due to differences of opinion.His film depicts how a middle class family completely loses control over their only child.This is meant to be a foundation on which the film rests but the story is shaped in such a unique manner that viewers also get to have an idea about servants from different east European nations.There is no documentary cinema type realism in scenes where foreigners try to get themselves regularized. This is exactly one department where the film goes out of control as viewers are shown glimpses of how women are sold on Italian soil.It is not clear what Italian cinema author Tornatore wanted to convey as his film appears much too flashy.It jumps from thriller to family drama to social statement all at same time.In a way,this would surely confuse viewers as it is expected that they would like to enjoy one thing at a time.