• I have both the 6 hour cut version of this remarkable masterpiece and the 10 hour uncut version. The Shorter version designed , perhaps for all ages, and well to be shown in a child's Sunday school class. the 10 hour, longer uncut version, containing more of a balance of the Bible / Roman Imperial History aspect of the early decades of the Christian church, and more intended to be viewed in a home environment. Either way, James Mason gave us a fine, EXCELLENT farewell performance as Tiberius, He who was emperor at the time of the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ and the successor, Caliguila, Claudius and Nero were also exquisitely and masterfully portrayed, Caligula, well.. No one will equal Malcolm McDowell on THAT one, But thats another discussion. A magnificent follow up series to Jesus of Nazareth, look at the right place on line, and you will find............or more aptly........SEEK and ye shall find.