
  • 1st watched 5/1/2010 – 2 out of 10 (Dir-Al Bradly): Very bad battle against an alien race movie that takes bits&pieces from the Star Wars epic and changes them slightly but otherwise is just a badly made movie for any genre. The movie appears to be an Italian-made film and the version I watched was dubbed. The story involves the earthlings first encounter with an alien race which turns out violent as they destroy our first ship that comes into contact with it, then bombs targets on the ground, and starts taking away different races of people for their own slave trade business. This group ends up being one of many planets in an interstellar planetary system and they won an auction for our planet. The spaceship is made up of an impenetrable substance called indiron and a group of scientists and other folk are assembled to figure out how to defeat the ship. This quest is the main plot of the movie until they find the answer and then the ensuing fight against them occurs. This is a poorly acted, poorly made movie with very poor special effects and it's only redeeming part is the unique storyline. There is also a bickering man and woman robot pair that's supposed to provide comic relief but doesn't. The movie is pretty much a waste of the little amount of money it was made with. I guess they were trying to cash in on the Star Wars craze(I hope they made some money for themselves but I won't contribute to their profits and you shouldn't either).