
  • what can i say about this show that hasn't been already said? it is perfect. entertainment, fun, psychology, beautiful surroundings...there is one thing however that often puzzles me. i recently read an interview with jeff probst (the host of the show) and he said that contestants are not allowed any cosmetics etc. on the show. well, how come girls always have they eyebrows perfectly shaped, no sign of hair on their legs or intimate areas and head locks look washed and clean? it's been puzzling me for a while.castaways don't look the part. also why so many beautiful people? i understand the show must sell and probably whoever is responsible for casting must comply with that rule but at the same time the show seems less real because of that.i would really like to see normal people with cellulite and other flaws some time.other than that i wholeheartedly recommend it. hope the show will go on for as long as i'll be able to watch it.