• So, I'm here writing and deleting all the time because I can't find the words to express my enthusiasm over this film.. Yes, it's not your typical drama with an extraordinary plot or character development but for a movie that had a low budget and was so under the radar it delivered, and delivered really really really good.

    Scott Adkins deserves more credit and more film deals, because not only he's an amazing fighter/stuntman, he's also a pretty damn good actor as opposed to other "fighters" making movies (I won't point fingers, but there's a guy always whispers in movies)..

    Bottom line is : Choreography is great, fight scenes are great, plot is really good, acting is really good.. You should definitely check out this movie, no doubt.. if you liked Undisputed 2 you're going to love this..

    PS : Someone write a screenplay for Undisputed 4 please :P