
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Directed by Chuck Jones, "Heaven Scent" is a good but not hilarious Warner Brothers cartoon starring the voice of Mel Blanc as our favorite French skunk: Pepe Le Pew. The plot of this cartoon is the same as in practically any other Pepe cartoon: boy tries to get girl, girl wants to be a mile away from boy.

    Any scenes in this film that make me laugh? There's the sign written in phony French, warning anyone to not touch the flagpole as it contains wet paint. The cat, disguised as a skunk, emits a smug expression and an eye blink after all the dogs run and hide, then a fisherman expresses himself (again in phony French) before escaping from the cat/skunk. Upon Pepe's first appearance, he sings "Strolling through the Park One Day", then as he catches up with his reluctant partner, he continues singing while smooching in rhythm.

    "Heaven Scent" is okay, but my major disappointment with it is that the ending leaves a dangling thread that keeps me wanting more. Oh, well. We can't have everything, can we?