
  • This movie isn't original, but it does what it was set to do: scare people. Unfortunately, it is such a continuous cliché that I could not get enjoyment out of it, and that means it failed.

    The plot is as simple as possible: Cute blonde with blue eyes goes to China with her Chinese fiancée, but one that is tall and talking with an American accent and probably stepping foot for the first time in China. they are terribly happy, she is all smiles and laughter and save the planet and all. She even gives expensive gifts to their Chinese driver.

    Fast forward a few minutes later when they are lost in their cab in some remote Chinese village, with no driver in sight and a pint of blood poured over the car and they are not happy anymore. They drive like idiots, shout at each other, cursing and panicking. Who would have thought that those words could come out of that cute little blond mouth?

    A few minutes later, white skinned demons probably related to the monsters in Descent are hunting them and so they are driving even worse, shouting even louder and cursing even worse. The demons aren't happy either.

    Bottom line: if this would have appeared in 2000, it would have been a good movie. In the 90's it would have been brilliant, even if we had all those cannibal hillbilly movies in the American wilderness. I guess Chinese actors are simply cheaper. And so did this movie feel now, in 2010.