• Warning: Spoilers
    It was a rushed movie. It was hardly an hour long, but the whole time it had this kind of manicky tone - all the characters and line delivery as well, like the producers were afraid kids would go to sleep or are too dumb to think. But Manic is alright sometimes, i reckon. However, in Alpha and Omega it does not work...it starts out a mess with fast animations and quick cuts, giving a disorienting feeling, and once you feel you recognize a character from the trailer, they are wisked off camera. The movie doesn't lay the ground story very well - the whole 'Alphas howl with Alphas and Omegas howl with Omegas' doesn't come off as crisp as it should have. It could of taken a Romeo & Juliet approach, but did not. That doesn't kill the movie, but the fact that the two leads (who fall in love inevitably) are an Alpha and an Omega is hardly given the time to establish. A&O is filled with clichés but right when you recognize them, another cliché is popping up. The movie goes too fast from which it came (but it came from nothing because it was all manicky at the beginning). The characters are typical, the busy uninterested girl, the silly fun loving boy who likes her, the stupid guy pals and the uninteresting dud that the girls father/society WANTS her to be with.

    As far as comedy goes, the movies not very funny. The script is not very solid, and but does offer many moments when hilarious one liners could have take place, but instead there's these hush awkward trying to be funny moments that just made the theater feel more empty. And rather than building the characters up so they could become more than their archetype selves, they just put them in predictable situations like running from bears or marrying the wrong guy (imagine a kids movie that doesn't end with the male and female lead shagging up). The characters feel more like devices in the need to tell a story that has been told a million times. Forbidden love? Opposites attract? Yeah we know.

    Even though i found myself dozing off, there was one or two moments i truly felt were good one even semi-great. The first time the two wolves howled together on the train i felt was reaching and getting a response (from me at least) and for a brief second i felt myself involved, but hey that lasted for about 20 seconds.

    Maybe i am expecting too much, but i think this movie is only for kids who don't listen to characters talk and just watch the pretty colors on the screen because other than some nice aesthetics and a howling moment, this movie is the worst animated movie i have ever seen.