• Secretariat / Rated PG for a couple of bad words and funny looking hats. Secretariat, the horse, is considered the greatest race horse of all time. He ran really, really fast. He lived from 1970 to 1989 and lives again in a new movie named in his honor. I love horsey movies. I hate spoilers in reviews. In case you don't know it I have to tell you something. Not exactly a secret. But, if you don't want to know then look away count to ten then continue reading. Secretariat won the Triple Crown. Okay that's it. It's safe to continue reading. Knowing this, there is not much suspense that can be portrayed as the Big Guy is foaled then begins to run. Really, really fast. The movie tells the story of Secretariat and his owner. The owner was Penny Chenery Tweedy and family. Diane Ladd plays the strong willed woman out to save her family finances and root the Big Guy to victory. She is excellent in the role. Along for the ride, so to speak, are John Malkovich as the trainer and funny hat wearer, and a group of fine character actors which include Scott Glenn, Fred Thompson and James Cromwell. Margo Martindale provides laughs and inspiration as the wise family secretary and horse namer. Secretariat was directed by Randall Wallace. He also helmed two fine films including "We Were Soldiers" (2002) and the first film I ever reviewed, the most excellent "Man in the Iron Mask" (1998). Nick Glennie-Smith provides a beautiful and evocative score. The horse race scenes are exciting and well filmed even if, for the most part, we know the results. Especially in the Triple Crown contests. In the Kentucky Derby he ran every quarter mile faster than the one preceding it and he was still accelerating when he crossed the finish line. Did I mention he ran really fast? The last of the three races, The Belmont Stakes, is an especially long and grueling contest which spells the end for most Triple Crown contenders. I remember watching this race live in 1973. Secretariat almost looked like he might lap the 4 other horses in the contest. That's how commanding his lead was. Disney has offered up good family fare. The personal financial issues sometimes get in the way of seeing the Big Guy run which is the core of the story. A story everyone, not just horsey film lovers, like me should see. A great story of a superior athlete. And he knew it. Watch and see. Rated 3.5 out of 4.0 lengths. Secretariat won by 31 lengths. Seabiscuit beware. Bamboo Harvester, who died in 1970, would have been proud if he had lived to see Secretariat run. And he would have spoke up about it. If you want to know how…..Google his name.