
  • 'KILLERS': Two Stars (Out of Five)

    Katherine Heigl and Ashton Kutcher star in this action comedy directed by Robert Luketic (director of 'WIN A DATE WITH TAD HAMILTION', '21', 'THE UGLY TRUTH' and 'LEGALLY BLONDE'). The film really wants to be a fun mix of 'James Bond' homage style goofy action with romantic comedy slapstick but it fails on both counts. I like some of Luketic's other work (like 'HAMILTION' and '21') but here he has a horrible script to work with and some severely miscast actors. Kutcher is about as wrong for the lead in this film as any casting job I've seen in quite some time (and the voice he chooses to attempt to do in the film is awful) and Heigl is just plain bad.

    In the film Kutcher plays a secret super agent by the name of Spencer Aimes on assignment in Nice, France who has grown tired of the violence and just wants a normal life. Then he meets carefree and simple Jen (Heigl) on vacation there and immediately falls in love. So he quits the assassin life and gets married. Three years later his ex-employer (Martin Mull) tries to draw him back into the life and when Spencer refuses to go back a mark is put out on his life. Spencer soon learns that a lot of the people he's gotten to know in the last three years are really spies planted in various areas of his life and now they want to kill him. Jen soon discovers what's really going on and the two go on the run not knowing who they can trust.

    The film is full of ridiculous slapstick and half ass-ed completely over the top action. The film is neither funny or thrilling and is instead really boring. Heigl plays yet another dumb sexist stereotype and her acting has never been worse and Kutcher, like I said, is just the wrong guy for the job and as a result is horrible as well. The two have no chemistry and the supporting cast all seems to be just going through the motions. Then the movie really gets bad when it reaches it's horrendous idiotic conclusion, which makes no sense. Why the two stars then? Because there are a few entertaining moments here and there, including a few mildly impressive action scenes. Other than that the film is almost a complete waste.

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