
  • Warning: Spoilers
    When Vedek Winn walks into Keiko's class as she teaches the children about the wormhole Keiko doesn't suspect that her lesson will lead to the Bajoran children being withdrawn from her classes and raised tensions across the station. In what appears to be a separate incident a Star Fleet officer is found dead in one of the plasma conduits… at least what is left of him is. As the murder is investigated there is no obvious motive; he was killed before the incident at the school so it seems highly unlikely that it has anything to do with angry Bajorans. As tensions rise Commander Sisko attempts to defuse the situation but it is clear that Winn is itching for a fight with him and goes as far as to suggest that he is the devil! Sisko goes to see the moderate Vedek Bareil and he in return visits the station; it is at this point the two plots come together and we learn how Winn was involved in the earlier crime and just what her real goal is.

    Louise Fletcher is great in the role of Vedek Winn; making her seem a dangerously ambitious zealot who will stop at nothing to become Bajor's next spiritual leader, I look forward to seeing more of her character, as I'm certain we have not seen the last of her. Robin Christopher was also fairly good as the Chief's new assistant Neela even though it was fairly obvious that her character couldn't be as good as she first appeared.