• Warning: Spoilers
    Here's a film with a good premise – an heiress has been threatened and plans to spend the weekend hosting her 21st birthday at the family's gloomy old mansion. Among the suspicious cast of characters are Boris Karloff, Bela Lugosi, and Peter Lorre. That' s the good news. Now, here's the bad news. The star is Kay Kyser. Yes, Kay is asked by his business manager (Dennis O'Keefe) to supply the entertainment at said birthday party. Janis Bellacrest (Helen Parrish) is the business manager's fiancé. Karloff, Lorre and Lugosi are pretty much wasted as the villains, although, Thank Goodness, none of them serves as a "red herring." Good only for fans of the villainous trio and any hardcore Kay Kyser fans (if there are any). Kyser does five numbers in the movie, thus validating the need for a fast-forward button.