
  • I never thought of Jim Carrey as a romantic actor, but I fell in love with him after seeing 'The Majestic,' I wish he would make more of this kind of movie. Laurie Holden was perfect as his love interest. I had not seen her before this, but enjoyed her later in 'Bailey's Billions' with Dean Cain. I do enjoy films with an historical background, and I think 'The Majestic' introduces a new generation to the Hollywood Blacklist and the army-McCarthy hearings, which were aired on live TV when they were happening. I used to come home from school and follow all the principals at the time. Most folks don't know that the late Robert Kennedy was one of the attorneys working with Senator Joe McCarthy before McCarthy went too far in his accusations. Another thing I loved about this movie was the background music. I would like to have a soundtrack of it. I own the DVD of this movie and suggest you watch this movie if you get a chance. If you like Jim Carrey playing nutty characters, you might be disappointed. However, if you would like to see a warm, romantic Jim Carrey, you will love 'The Majestic.'