• Warning: Spoilers
    I had the pleasure of attending two showings of "Beginners" at The Toronto Film Festival, and cannot wait for the June 3rd theatrical opening so I can see it again. The official release of the film's trailer today reminded me of many of the things that made this such a special film, while leaving plenty of surprises for those who will be seeing it for the first time.

    All of the actors cast are perfectly suited to their characters, but, I must admit, that it was the pairing of Christopher Plummer (Hal) with Goran Visnjic (Andy) that made the film for me. That Mike Mills would cast against standard type with these two wonderful actors is something that shows just why he is so skilled at what he does.

    The storyline of the film settles around Ewan McGregor's character, "Oliver", as he comes to terms with the news that his father is gay, and that he is also battling Cancer, while he also tries to find himself. I personally would have loved to have seen more of "Hal's" life, to me, those are some of the most poignant scenes in the entire film. Hopefully though, by using "Oliver's" in this way, the film will reach a much broader audience, and people who might have overlooked it, will now see it.

    Within the weaving of these two threads, we are also treated to a third, and that is the one which deals with "Hal's" marriage to "Georgia", and how their behavior toward each other and with "Oliver" as a child have affected him into adulthood. All three explore relationships as well as sharing within them the common components of love and loss. It is Mike Mills' talent as a writer and his wonderful cast that pulls everything in "Beginners" together so perfectly, and I highly recommend you see it.